Zanab’s Forbidden Desire

Tension brews when her lust for her husband’s cousin boils over

Zahira Moreno (Miss Moreno)
12 min readOct 1, 2021
(Source: Unsplash)

When the time arrived for me to marry, I never questioned my family. I knew marriages were a family matter in our culture and everyone assured me that I would easily grow to love my husband and feel the urge to build a family with him. I never doubted any of this and so far during my one-year marriage, I’ve had faith that things would develop in the right way. Suddenly, my new feelings have clouded everything.

Upon asking more about my husband’s family and hometown, he showed me some photos of extended family. He pulled up a photo of his cousin and I immediately felt a rush like never before. My eyes poured over his dark stubble coating his golden completion and sultry dark eyes. Something about him seemed familiar. Obviously, he is my husband’s cousin so there is a familial look but more as if I’ve seen him before. I ponder and then it occurs to me he might have gone to the boys’ school near me.

‘’That’s wonderful that you two are just like best friends dear. Did you go to the same school then?’’ I asked carefully.

‘’No, we went to a different school darling. Actually, my cousin went to school in the same town as you. You’ll have so much to talk about when you both finally meet. I’m really excited for my cousin to meet…



Zahira Moreno (Miss Moreno)

A nerdy Arab girl writing steamy stories of sensual and sexual self-discovery ( NSFW )